Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Instant Golden Curry

They had curry on sale at Uwajimaya today for a mere $0.99 and since it was such a bargain, I had to buy a box. It comes in three levels of spiciness: Hot, Medium-Hot, and Mild. Medium-Hot just has a slight kick to it but nothing too impressionable. It was rated 3 stars on the box but it's more like 1. I usually opt for this one because Japanese curry tastes the best when it isn't too spicy.

Curry in a pouch is very weird. The instructions were to boil the pouch in hot water or pour out the sauce over rice and microwave it.

It was savory but very oily. It's good for curry fans who are extremely tight on budget. The potatoes had the same weird texture that you get when you get in canned stew. The carrots were slivers.

Believe me! You are not missing out on much! If you don't have time to prepare curry, just use a slow cooker. Put everything together like you would do for stew and add the Golden Curry Sauce Mix. Let it stew and you'll get delicious curry when you get home.

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